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A King Like Other Nations

When I first got the title, I thought this post would be along the lines of learning from the Israelites and not following in their footsteps of requesting a king like other nations. The story accounted in 1 Samuel 8, emphasizes how God was so displeased with them for this request, and as much as this is key (and I do touch on it briefly), the more I meditated on it, I found myself drawn to this phrase in relation to the king himself. One like you and me, who was anointed as a young shepherd boy, entrusted with an identity whose roots ran deeper than wearing a crown or sitting on a throne.

If you read the full story in 1 Samuel 8 - 16, you would find that the first crowned king subsequent to their request, Saul, failed in the assignment. The account paints for us a picture of God's true desire in His king; one who was intimate with, and completely surrendered to Him. And David being found to be "...a man after God's heart" was enthroned in place of Saul.


I’ve found more and more that sometimes the rejection of man can be God’s way of separating one for His purpose. When God is setting you apart, it may manifest as people despising you for no reason. Our case study, King David started off in the same manner, being disregarded in his family and even forgotten when the prophet came in search of this man professed by God Himself, to be after His heart. It appears as a constant pattern in scripture where other great pioneers, such as Joseph, started off being completely overlooked. No one could deny however, by the end of their journey, that God was with them and had been preparing them for His own purpose!

I believe each of us need to be intentional therefore, about celebrating the uniqueness in our journey; especially in this present time where we can so readily see all the “good” things happening in other people’s lives. It’s no wonder there seems to be an increase in discontentment. We no longer focus on the exclusivity in our path, and I don’t mean to generalise, but I have found this even in myself. Wanting things because, “…well I’m supposed to have them by now at my age” and not really anchoring my desire in God’s will for me, truly.

Not every part of your journey will look like what someone has faced before, because we are all UNIQUE. We can find strength in testimonies but God’s ways cannot be limited! And we run the risk of rejecting what God is doing in us when all our focus is elsewhere. The true evidence of your submission to Christ is acknowledgement of those things He IS doing even as you wait for the other things you desire. It’s idolatry to disregard what God is already doing to stay focused on what you want!

"We can find strength in testimonies but God’s ways cannot be limited! And we run the risk of rejecting what God is doing in us when all our focus is elsewhere."


Another reason to remain focused on what God has counted your lot, is that you may just be a trailblazer for many to come after you. I remember a moment of frustration I had where I felt so alone in what I was going through and was struggling to find someone, or at least a testimony I could relate to. As I prayed about this, I felt God say: “Will you be still enough for me to do something new in you?” And what freedom that brought!!

I love testimonies and find they really give me hope. And whilst it’s amazing to find people we can relate to, I mean there’s so much power in testimonies for God to do a thing again; but maybe God wants to do something new? And because we feel we haven’t seen someone else go through the same thing, it can encourage doubt, or as in my case, a lack of stillness.

Think about it, when the Israelites walked through the Red Sea for example, there was no previous record of that ever happening. Or when Abraham was commanded to leave his family to a land he would be shown? He literally paved the way for us all by being completely obedient to what he did not understand. It’s not easy to feel “alone” and though you may feel you don’t have anyone to relate to, rest in God’s ability to not just repeat, but to do new things also! Surrender and be the trailblazer, the first one! Going ahead of many to come, just like Abraham, and the bible says we are his children if we follow the same path of faith (Galatians 3:7).

"It’s not easy to feel “alone” and though you may feel you don’t have anyone to relate to, rest in God’s ability to not just repeat, but to do new things also"


In closing, I'd like to point out that David was one who mirrored a life of being chosen and used to lead God’s people in His Way. And though not a complete saint, as we can read from his life account, he had an extremely successful reign, and stewardship of God’s heart that still inspires us today! Just like a lot of the biblical patriarchs, this king suffered a lot of tribulation both before he was enthroned, and after. Some would deem it unfair to subject a young boy to fighting a lion or bear, but in God’s design it made perfect sense! Little did he know he would be used to defend the whole nation not long after that.

"Some would deem it unfair to subject a young boy to fighting a lion or bear, but in God’s design it made perfect sense!"

What I’m trying to say is that what if the battle you’re facing is a reflection of the purpose over your life? It feels impossible but what if you embraced the challenge and chose to believe God’s Word over what you think your ability is? What if you stopped looking at situations as unfair and end up manifesting the king in you? David would not have known he could defeat Goliath if he decided not to defend the sheep. He could have chosen to run away in an attempt to save his own life, and he may have ended up having a good life, but never rising to the throne, who knows? He chose however to believe in The God he had heard about, and the same power was revealed to him in secret, and then publicly.

The major difference I see between Saul and David is that one ruled under submission and obedience to God whilst the other tried to be a king like other nations. None of God’s promises manifest in disobedience; it takes believing and agreeing with God every step of the way, regardless!

Be encouraged, Kings and Queens ❤️

His promise to us is what eyes have not seen, ears haven’t heard, and that hasn’t entered into the heart of man that will be revealed by HIS Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:9).

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” - Isaiah 43:19 NIV

I pray God gives you the Grace to remain focused on His carved out plan for you, even as you celebrate with others in Jesus' Name

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