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Learn the Latest OpenGL Shader Programming with Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials

Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials: A Practical Guide to Learn OpenGL and Shaders

If you are interested in learning how to create stunning 3D graphics with OpenGL and shaders, you might want to check out Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials. This book is written by Anton Gerdelan, a computer graphics researcher and lecturer who has a lot of experience in teaching OpenGL. In this article, we will tell you what OpenGL is, who Anton Gerdelan is, how you can get his tutorials in ePub format, and what benefits you will get from reading them.

anton's opengl 4 tutorials epub download

What is OpenGL and why should you learn it?

OpenGL is a cross-platform API for rendering 2D and 3D graphics

OpenGL stands for Open Graphics Library. It is an application programming interface (API) that allows you to communicate with the graphics hardware of your computer. With OpenGL, you can create applications that render 2D and 3D graphics on various platforms, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, and WebGL. OpenGL is not a programming language itself, but rather a set of commands that you can use in your preferred language, such as C++, Java, Python, or Rust.

OpenGL is widely used in the industry for games, simulations, CAD, and more

OpenGL is one of the most popular APIs for graphics programming. It is used by many professional developers and hobbyists alike for creating games, simulations, computer-aided design (CAD), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), data visualization, and more. Some examples of famous applications that use OpenGL are Minecraft, Photoshop, Blender, Google Earth, and Unity.

OpenGL lets you access the power of modern GPUs and shaders

One of the main advantages of OpenGL is that it allows you to harness the power of modern graphics processing units (GPUs). GPUs are specialized hardware devices that can perform parallel computations very fast. They are especially good at handling graphics tasks, such as transforming vertices, rasterizing pixels, applying lighting effects, and more. With OpenGL, you can send commands to the GPU and let it do the heavy lifting for you.

Another key feature of OpenGL is that it supports shaders. Shaders are small programs that run on the GPU and determine how the graphics are rendered. Shaders give you a lot of flexibility and control over the appearance and behavior of your graphics. You can use shaders to create realistic materials, dynamic shadows, procedural textures, particle systems, and more.

Who is Anton Gerdelan and what are his tutorials?

Anton Gerdelan is a computer graphics researcher and lecturer

Anton Gerdelan is the author of Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials. He is a computer graphics researcher and lecturer at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He has a PhD in computer science from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He has also worked as a software engineer at Google and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.

Anton has a passion for teaching and sharing his knowledge of OpenGL and shaders. He has taught many courses and workshops on graphics programming at various universities and conferences. He also maintains a website where he hosts his online tutorials, useful references, and source code.

Anton Gerdelan has written a book and online tutorials on OpenGL 4

Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials is a book that contains 40 chapters on various topics of OpenGL 4 and shaders. It is a practical guide that teaches you how to start 3D programming with OpenGL and shaders, using the most recent version of the API. It covers the basics, such as setting up the environment, creating windows, loading textures, drawing triangles, and using buffers. It also covers more advanced topics, such as lighting models, shadow mapping, normal mapping, skeletal animation, deferred rendering, and more.

The book is written in a clear and concise style, with plenty of illustrations, diagrams, and code examples. It also includes troubleshooting tips, tricks, and exercises to help you avoid common pitfalls and improve your skills. The book is suitable for anyone who wants to learn OpenGL and shaders, whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer.

In addition to the book, Anton also provides online tutorials on his website. These tutorials are free to access and cover some of the same topics as the book, as well as some extra ones. Some of the online tutorials are:

  • Hello Triangle: Minimal code to draw a triangle using simple shaders and vertex buffers.

  • Extended Initialisation: Specifying OpenGL version, configuring the display, getting driver information, extension handling with GLEW, and adding a frames-per-second counter.

  • Shaders: Shaders determine the style of rendering.

  • Vertex Buffer Objects: Vertex buffer objects hold the mesh data to render on the graphics hardware.

  • Hot Reloading Shaders: Being able to edit your shader code and see what visually changes, live, without restarting your program.

  • Ray-Based Picking: Cast rays from mouse pointer to various primitive "bounding" shapes.

  • Cube Maps: Sky Boxes and Environment Mapping: Look at using GL cube maps for sky boxes, and environment-mapping reflection and refraction effects.

  • Morph Target Animation: Using interpolation between animation "targets". AKA "blend shapes".

  • WebGL Starter: Moving into WebGL.

  • It's More Fun to Compute: Introduction to compute shaders and ray traced rendering.

Anton Gerdelan's tutorials cover the basics and advanced topics of OpenGL 4

One of the strengths of Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials is that they cover both the basics and advanced topics of OpenGL 4. This means that you can learn everything you need to know about OpenGL 4 from one source. You don't have to switch between different books or websites that might have different styles or levels of difficulty.

The tutorials start with the fundamentals of OpenGL 4, such as how to create a window, how to draw simple shapes, how to use shaders, how to load textures, how to use buffers, etc. These topics are essential for any graphics programmer who wants to use OpenGL 4. They will give you a solid foundation for understanding how OpenGL 4 works and how to use it effectively.

The tutorials then move on to more advanced topics of OpenGL 4, such as how to implement different lighting models, how to create shadows, how to use normal maps, how to animate models, how to do deferred rendering, etc. These topics are more challenging but also more rewarding. They will allow you to create more realistic and impressive graphics with OpenGL 4. They will also expose you to some of the latest techniques and trends in graphics programming.

How can you get Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials ePub download?

You can buy the book on or Amazon in ePub and MOBI formats

OpenGL 4 Tutorials ePub download, you can buy the book on or Amazon. The book is available in ePub and MOBI formats, which are compatible with most devices and software. You can read the book on your computer, tablet, smartphone, e-reader, or online. The book costs $9.99 on both platforms, which is a very reasonable price for a high-quality book on OpenGL 4. You can pay with various methods, such as credit card, PayPal, Amazon Pay, etc. Once you buy the book, you can download it instantly and start reading it. The version on has DRM-free ePub and MOBI files, which means you can copy and share them without any restrictions. The version on Amazon has DRM MOBI files, which means you can only read them on the Kindle, the Kindle App, or Amazon's web reader. also gives Anton a better return and supports independent creators. You can also access the online tutorials for free on Anton's website

If you don't want to buy the book or you want to try some of the tutorials before buying it, you can also access the online tutorials for free on Anton's website. The website has 10 tutorials that cover some of the same topics as the book, as well as some extra ones. You can view the tutorials in your browser and follow along with the code examples.

The online tutorials are a great way to get a taste of Anton's teaching style and learn some of the basics of OpenGL 4. However, they are not a substitute for the book. The book has more chapters, more details, more illustrations, more exercises, more tips and tricks, and more updates than the online tutorials. The book also has a better structure and flow than the online tutorials.

Therefore, we recommend that you use the online tutorials as a supplement to the book, not as a replacement. The online tutorials can help you review some of the concepts or explore some of the topics that are not covered in the book. But if you want to learn OpenGL 4 thoroughly and comprehensively, you should get the book.

You can download the source code and useful references from GitHub

Another benefit of getting Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials is that you can download the source code and useful references from GitHub. The source code contains 40 demonstration programs that correspond to each chapter of the book. The programs are written in C++ and use GLFW for window creation and GLEW for extension handling. They also have Makefiles for Windows, Linux, and OS X.

The source code is very helpful for learning OpenGL 4 because it allows you to see how each concept is implemented in code. You can run the programs on your own computer and see how they work. You can also modify the code and experiment with different parameters or features. You can use the source code as a starting point for your own projects or as a reference for debugging your own code.

The useful references are a collection of links to various websites that provide more information or resources on OpenGL 4 and shaders. They include official documentation, tutorials, books, articles, forums, blogs, videos, podcasts, libraries, tools, etc. They are organized by topic and updated regularly by Anton.

The useful references are a valuable resource for learning OpenGL 4 because they give you access to a wealth of knowledge and inspiration from other experts and enthusiasts. You can use them to deepen your understanding of OpenGL 4 and shaders or to discover new ideas or techniques for your own projects. You can also contribute to them by suggesting new links or giving feedback to Anton.

What are the benefits of reading Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials?

You will learn the fundamentals of 3D programming with OpenGL and shaders

The main benefit of reading Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials is that you will learn the fundamentals of 3D programming with OpenGL and shaders. This is a very important skill for anyone who wants to create graphics applications or games with modern technology.

By reading Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials, you will learn how to:

  • Set up an OpenGL development environment on your preferred platform

  • Create windows and handle user input with GLFW

  • Load extensions and query information with GLEW

  • Write vertex shaders and fragment shaders in GLSL

  • Create vertex buffer objects and index buffer objects to store mesh data

  • Create texture objects and sampler objects to apply textures

  • Create frame buffer objects and render buffer objects to render off-screen

  • Create uniform buffer objects and shader storage buffer objects to pass data to shaders

  • Create vertex array objects to organize vertex attributes

  • Create transform feedback objects to capture output from shaders

  • Create program pipeline objects to use multiple shader stages

  • Create compute shaders to perform general-purpose computations on the GPU

  • Use matrices and vectors to perform transformations and calculations

  • Use quaternions to represent rotations and orientations

  • Use camera models and projection matrices to create perspective and orthographic views

  • Use lighting models and equations to simulate light sources and materials

  • Use shadow mapping techniques to create realistic shadows

  • Use normal mapping techniques to create detailed surfaces

  • Use skeletal animation techniques to animate models with bones and joints

  • Use deferred rendering techniques to improve performance and quality

  • And much more!

You will gain practical skills and tips for creating your own graphics applications

Another benefit of reading Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials is that you will gain practical skills and tips for creating your own graphics applications. This is very useful for anyone who wants to apply their knowledge of OpenGL 4 and shaders to real-world projects or challenges.

By reading Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials, you will learn how to:

  • Organize your code and data in a modular and efficient way

  • Debug your code and fix common errors or issues

  • Optimize your code and improve performance or memory usage

  • Test your code and ensure correctness or compatibility

  • Use hot reloading techniques to edit your shaders live without restarting your program

  • Use ray-based picking techniques to interact with objects in your scene

  • Use cube maps for sky boxes and environment mapping effects

  • Use morph target animation techniques to interpolate between animation targets or blend shapes

  • Use WebGL techniques to port your OpenGL code to the web browser

  • Use ray tracing techniques to create realistic images with compute shaders

  • And much more!

You will enjoy Anton's clear explanations, illustrations, and examples

A final benefit of reading Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials is that you will enjoy Anton's clear explanations, illustrations, and examples. This is very important for anyone who wants to have a fun and engaging learning experience with OpenGL 4 and shaders.

Anton has a knack for breaking down complex concepts and making them easy to understand. He uses simple language, analogies, metaphors, and rhetorical questions to explain the theory behind OpenGL 4 and shaders. He also provides plenty of hand-drawn diagrams, screen-captures, and code snippets to illustrate the practical aspects of OpenGL 4 and shaders.

Anton also has a sense of humor and a friendly tone that makes his tutorials enjoyable to read. He uses jokes, anecdotes, personal opinions, and emoticons to spice up his tutorials. He also encourages you to experiment with the code and try different things. He makes you feel like you are learning from a friend rather than a teacher.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials is a great book for anyone who wants to learn OpenGL 4 and shaders. It is written by Anton Gerdelan, a computer graphics researcher and lecturer who has a lot of experience in teaching OpenGL. It covers both the basics and advanced topics of OpenGL 4 and shaders, with clear explanations, illustrations, and examples. It also provides online tutorials, source code, and useful references that you can access for free.

Call to action to buy the book or visit the website

If you are interested in learning OpenGL 4 and shaders, you should definitely get Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials ePub download. You can buy the book on or Amazon in ePub or MOBI formats. You can also visit Anton's website for more information or free online tutorials. You won't regret it!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between OpenGL 4 and previous versions of OpenGL?

OpenGL 4 is the latest version of OpenGL that was released in 2010. It introduces many new features and improvements over previous versions of OpenGL, such as:

  • New shader stages, such as tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geometry, and compute shaders.

, transform feedback buffer objects, and atomic counter buffer objects.

  • New texture types, such as multisample textures, array textures, cube map array textures, and texture buffer objects.

  • New rendering techniques, such as indirect rendering, conditional rendering, instanced rendering, and primitive restart.

  • New functionality and extensions, such as tessellation, geometry shaders, compute shaders, image load/store, shader subroutines, program pipelines, etc.

OpenGL 4 also deprecates some of the old features and functions of previous versions of OpenGL, such as fixed-function pipeline, immediate mode rendering, matrix stack operations, etc. These features are still available in compatibility profile contexts, but they are not recommended for modern OpenGL programming.

What are the prerequisites for reading Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials?

To read Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials, you should have some basic knowledge of:

  • Programming: You should be familiar with a programming language that supports OpenGL bindings, such as C++, Java, Python, or Rust. You should also know how to use variables, functions, loops, conditionals, arrays, pointers, etc.

  • Mathematics: You should be comfortable with some basic mathematics concepts that are relevant to graphics programming, such as vectors, matrices, quaternions, trigonometry, linear algebra, etc.

  • Graphics: You should have some general understanding of how graphics are rendered on the screen, such as pixels, colors, coordinates systems, transformations, projections, etc.

You don't need to be an expert in any of these topics to read Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials. Anton will explain everything you need to know along the way. However, having some background knowledge will help you grasp the concepts faster and easier.

How long does it take to read Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials?

The time it takes to read Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials depends on your reading speed and your level of interest and comprehension. However, a rough estimate is that it takes about 20 hours to read the book from cover to cover. This is based on the assumption that you read one chapter per hour and that each chapter is about 10 pages long.

Of course, this is just an average estimate. Some chapters might take longer or shorter than others depending on their difficulty or length. You might also want to spend more time on some chapters to practice the exercises or experiment with the code. Or you might want to skip some chapters if you already know the topic or are not interested in it.

The important thing is not how long it takes to read Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials but how much you learn from it. You should read the book at your own pace and enjoy the process of learning OpenGL 4 and shaders.

What are some alternatives to Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials?

Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials is not the only book or resource on OpenGL 4 and shaders. There are many other alternatives that you can use to learn OpenGL 4 and shaders. Some of them are:

  • OpenGL SuperBible: This is another popular book on OpenGL that covers OpenGL 4.6 and GLSL 4.6. It is written by Graham Sellers and Richard Wright Jr., who are both experienced OpenGL developers and instructors. It has a comprehensive coverage of OpenGL topics and a hands-on approach with many examples and exercises.

, who is a graphics programmer and blogger. It has a clear and concise style and covers many topics such as lighting, model loading, shadow mapping, normal mapping, etc.

The Book of Shaders: This is a website that provides online tutorials on shaders. It is created by Patricio Gonz


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